This changes over time as Hakuno becomes more and more determined to not let the lives lost during the War to become meaningless. According to Dan Blackmore, Hakuno starts out at the beginning of the War as an inexperienced and "green" Master, easily frightened by the other Masters such as Julius. However, Hakuno does come to acknowledge and appreciate their allies, and can become visibly worried if something happens to Rin/Rani or their Servant. It is repeatedly pointed out by others that Hakuno is rather dense and sometimes fails to understand basic things especially ones related to a magus, making them look like a rather hopeless Master among a crowd of talented Masters. They know nothing of the Grail War, and even one round in, they still lack knowledge of even important concepts like Noble Phantasms. Not knowing that they were inadvertently entered in the Holy Grail War, they cannot imagine that their reasons to fight were not very strong in the first place to have been cast aside so easily. That is a great weakness, and even if their Servant had the greatest Noble Phantasm, they would still lose to someone with that drive. They are neither someone who fights out of obligation like a soldier, or even someone strong-willed who always fights with their eyes on the prize in front of them. That makes for a large handicap without the drive to win. The Grail is won by individual motivation, but they lack the core of motivation to claim it. Their resolve to fight is lacking because they don't know what they wish to accomplish.

Hakuno is initially lost over as to what they should be doing in the Holy Grail War. Hakuno Kishinami's Design in Fate/EXTELLA LINK, illustrated by Arco Wada. Players can customize Hakuno with ornaments such as glasses and gloves. Their other outfits are called Boy's gym suit (男子体操服, Danshi taisō fuku ?) / Girl's gym suit (女子体操服, Joshi taisō fuku ?) and School Swimsuit (スクール水着, Sukūru Mizugi ?). The female protagonist wears a dark navy sailor school uniform with a red scarf, a pleated skirt, black knee socks, and brown shoes. The male protagonist wears a black gakuran style uniform, with a high collared coat with gold buttons, black trousers, and brown shoes. While their original attire is styled after the blazer uniforms of high school students, their alternate clothes are styled after the more traditional Japanese military styled school uniforms. In Fate/EXTRA CCC, the male and female protagonist have alternate outfits called Classic Male uniform (旧男子学生服, Kyū danshi gakusei fuku ?) and Classic Female uniform (旧女子学生服, Kyū joshi gakusei fuku ?). Rin Tohsaka first thought Hakuno to be a NPC because Hakuno looked too plain to be an actual person. Beneath her Female school uniform (女子学生服, Joshi gakusei fuku ?), she wears black turtleneck and black pantyhose. The female protagonist has long wavy brown hair and eyes, and wears the standard female school uniform of Tsukumihara Academy. The male protagonist has brown hair and eyes and wears the standard Male school uniform (男子学生服, Danshi gakusei fuku ?) of Tsukumihara Academy, and wears a black T-shirt beneath his jacket.

As an NPC rather than a human, Hakuno cannot enter the Moon Cell without being deleted as invalid data, like Twice - however, the Moon Cell requires more time to process the contradiction caused by the existence of the frozen body in the real world, and so he/she is not instantly deleted and has enough time to make a wish. Believing him/herself to be a normal human, Hakuno unknowingly took over the position of another participant who had died in the preliminary selection for the war. Unlike Twice, he/she did not regain any memory of a "previous life" due to the fact that the original was an amnesiac to begin with. Īfter being created in SE.RA.PH as an NPC, Hakuno, like Twice, somehow gained self-awareness. They were still in stasis as of Hakuno's participation in the Moon Holy Grail War of the 2030s. Their human counterpart was a resident of Japan in the year 2000 who suffered from Amnesia Syndrome, frozen to await treatment due to the death of Twice H. Based on a cryogenically frozen human, Hakuno had no memory or sense of self. Hakuno was an NPC generated by the Moon Cell.

2.5.1 Spiraling Testament World: Lilim Harlot.